With its high throughput, scalability, and speed, next-generation sequencing (NGS) enables to study biological systems.

Complex genomic research experiments demand a depth of information beyond the capacity of common DNA sequencing technologies. Next-generation sequencing fills that gap and has become an everyday research tool to address all your experimental qestions. 

Key applications of NGS are:

- Rapid whole genome sequencing
- Zoomed insights in to target regions of the sequence
- Utilize RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) to discover novel RNA variants and splice sites, or precisely quantify mRNAs for gene expression analysis
- Analyze epigenetic factors such as genome-wide DNA methylation and DNA-protein interactions
- Sequence cancer samples to study rare somatic variants, tumor subclones, and much more
- Study microbial diversity in humans

Services Offered by Us:

A. Plant/ Animal/ Microbial
Target Region Sequencing
Whole Genome Re Sequencing
De Novo Sequencing
B. Epigenetics
Whole Genome Bisulfide Sequencing
Target Region Bisulfide Sequencinf
ChIP Seq
C. Human
Whole Genome Sequencing
Whole Exome Sequencing
Trget Region Sequencing
D. Metagenomic Sequencing
RNA (Quantification) Sequencing
RNA (Transcriptome) Sequencing
Long Non-Coding Rna Sequencing
Small RNA Sequencing
F. Customised Solutions
Immune Repetoire Sequencing/ Single Cell Sequencing